Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Short Verse In Pictures...

Short Verse In Pictures...

Nightingale floor screams,
Boards bedecked with crimson spray,
Lifeblood cools, pooling.

Sunlight on paper,
Old words bleached away by day,
The past is erased.

I draw the tumult,
Shaking pen records Earth's rage,
There is no more ink.

Beware the great beast,
Messenger of time's passage,
It brings the last gift.

Pillars stand before,
Glow guides us, showing the way,
Step between and see.


Friday, 1 March 2019

Friday Extra...

Apocalypse Poetry 


1. Flash

The light sears through flesh,
Exposing bones to our sight,
before eye-jelly boils.

2. Scorch

Tidal wave of flame,
Roasting all before its touch,
Blisters human skin.

 3. Embers

A hot glow remains,
Haunted by ghosts of meat-steam,
Crackling as it cools.

 4. Ash

Stripped bones reach upward,
Dusted with ashen particles,
Blackened, charred digits.