Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Garden Of Abstractions...

All these images started out as photos taken around the garden yesterday. As you can see, I've played around with them rather a lot.


Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Theme Week - Automatic Drawing - Day 1...

Theme Week - Automatic Drawing - Day 1...


This week, I've selected a theme to tie together the pieces I'm producing.

For my first theme week, I'm doing automatic drawings and using them as the jumping off point for my works.

To begin with, let me show you the initial drawing I've produced for today's post,.. and then the pieces I've created from that.

I'll be doing stuff from a new automatic drawing each day for the rest of week,.. 

Hope you enjoy them.

Original Image   

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Processes And Choice...

Epilepsy warning : This article consists of rapidly changing/flashing images which may trigger seizures in photo-sensitive people.

Sometimes it takes a number of iterations before I settle on the image I want to display for you all, and they can end up looking considerably different from each other between one idea and the next.

So here are a few of my previous post images as GIFs showing the changes they often go through before I settle on just one to show.