Showing posts with label magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magic. Show all posts

Friday, 1 November 2019

"And They Dyd Gather For An Grayte Bacchanal..."

"And They Dyd Gather For An Grayte Bacchanal..."

 "...And in those ancient dayes, dyd the people confer wyth alle manner of spirit and beast of thee wilder places.

And they dyd gather for an grayte Bacchanal, desporting thymselves in a most impious and heathen manner."

          - Ancient text, source unknown 

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

The Accidental Sorceror...

The Accidental Sorceror

Magic Explosion
 He'd had the book for years, and he had read it many times, but he'd never been quite brave enough to follow its instructions. Partly because he was afraid to feel foolish when nothing happened, and partly also, because he was afraid it might actually work.

 Discovered in a "lucky dip" box of assorted secondhand paperback novels from a junk shop, the aged yellow paper of the slim volume felt as if it might crumble at any moment as he pored over it once again. The words burned into his mind with a particular ferocity this day, and he found himself wanting desperately to just throw himself into the moment, and hang the consequences.

 With that in mind, items were gathered, a room cleared, and esoteric designs were inscribed upon the floor. Then came the words, they had been seared into his memory and now they flowed from his mouth and into the world.

 For nearly a full hour they poured forth. Names, both sacred and blasphemous were invoked over and again, commanding unseen entities to show themselves, until at last, the would-be magus fell silent, and allowed his voice rest.

 Quiet now, but still concentrating hard, he waited. The room began to grow unnaturally dark and chill, and then there was a bright, soundless flash within the circle of strange symbols he had drawn upon the floorboards. His eyes were assaulted by a cacophony of colours, orange and yellow lightning, sparks of blue and green and red.

 When after a moment, his vision cleared, he beheld a figure standing before him, a curiously familiar one at that. Inside the circle, was a being that looked exactly like himself.

 The doppelganger smiled and stepped forwards, out of the circle, and advanced upon the wizard, guttural laughter erupting from its mouth. The accidental sorceror found himself frozen in place with terror, and all he could do was scream.