Showing posts with label bacchanalia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bacchanalia. Show all posts

Friday, 1 November 2019

"And They Dyd Gather For An Grayte Bacchanal..."

"And They Dyd Gather For An Grayte Bacchanal..."

 "...And in those ancient dayes, dyd the people confer wyth alle manner of spirit and beast of thee wilder places.

And they dyd gather for an grayte Bacchanal, desporting thymselves in a most impious and heathen manner."

          - Ancient text, source unknown 

Thursday, 25 April 2019

My 100th Post...

My 100th Post...

I almost missed this little milestone I was so busy trying to come up with something.

Fortunately, I noticed, and I hope you noticed too.

Once again, I've been practising with collages cut up from old magazine ads and my own doodles.