"And They Dyd Gather For An Grayte Bacchanal..."
"...And in those ancient dayes, dyd the people confer wyth alle manner of spirit and beast of thee wilder places.
And they dyd gather for an grayte Bacchanal, desporting thymselves in a most impious and heathen manner."
- Ancient text, source unknown
Hallowe'en : Holiday Of The Dead...
Scenes From The Revolution : Machine-Gunning The Peasants...
The Hatchlings Begin To Quicken...
Selfie Exploration...
So I've been mucking about with my own face for a change, just to see what different versions of me might look like.
Here's a few, starting with the original image...
Then there is the impossibly, young, innocent, handsome version...
Next comes the idealised, but slightly too good-looking, comic book hero version...
After which, we get to meet the criminal mastermind, as portrayed by Gary Oldman...
Finally, we come to an incarnation who is rumoured to have a secret meth-lab somewhere in the nearby woods, despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence for this whatsoever.
Renditions Of The Land Beyond The Great Ocean...
Behold! The Great And Sacred Realm...