Friday, 22 March 2019

Breathing Difficulties...

Yes, I still have a cold...

Yes, it is still informing what I do at the moment...

Yes, I'm going to gripe, and you're going to deal with it...

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Trying To Create With A Stinking Cold...

My stinking cold continues to make my head feel like it is stuffed full of straw and my hands feel as though they are made from rubber.

My vision is overwhelmed by the assault of light that enters them when I scroll down the screen, and I have to keep clicking my jaw to make my ears pop so I can hear sounds properly.

But apart from all that, I feel like a bag of crap. Merry Thursday everyone.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Winds Of Desolation...

I've come down with a stinking cold over the last couple of days and it's given me weird ideas and disrupted fever dreams, which is where this thing came from. Enjoy.

  Winds Of Desolation from Nicholas Nawrockyj on Vimeo.

 Experimental short film using video footage taken from the Prelinger Archive and original music.

Prelinger Archive (Public Domain - CC0)

Operation Cue (1955)

Time Pulls the Trigger (Part II)

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

A Touch Of Magic...

Magic Castle

You Have Three Wishes

Stairway To Heaven

See More Abstract Artists...(Including Me)...

Find More Artists To Enjoy

Thanks to everybody who has paid a visit to my ever-growing art collection here, I'm starting to attract a bit of attention in other places too, primarily Reddit and Twitter.

It's because of them that I was approached to make a contribution to, which I was happy to do. So I hope you'll pop along there too to see what other creators are coming up with.

Enjoy your visit...

New Growth